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Welcome / My Fridge

Welcome littlenap to the Vox universe! Please drop over to her page and give her a terrificly friendly Vox welcome!

littlenap challenges us to post a picture of our fridge. The inside, not the outside. I am up to the challenge although I do feel some explanation is in order.

Fruit salad, grapes and spinach – apples and veggies in the crisper. Eggs for protein. Creamed horseradish because, well, a girl has gotta have some fun … the best yogurt ever beside the tin of Seniors Dog Food.

Ketchup, cream and butter – all of which go unreported in my food diary. I shall now be struck down by very skinny lightning.

The photo omits an entire section of the door which seems filled with condiments, most particularly, hot sauces.

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One comment to “Welcome / My Fridge”

  1. This is so exciting! My original plan was to take pictures of the inside of as many fridges as I could get access to. But this is better. Bring on the fridge photos; maybe we'll have an exhibition devoted entirely to the inside of refrigerators.

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