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Ode to A Clean Home

This is a very busy time for me. And I'm doing a much better job than usual in the "looking after myself" category.

Case in point: Someone comes by every few weeks to help me clean, just for a couple hours. I hate cleaning so if I keep to this kind of schedule, it will actually happen. This week, I was actually "ready" for her to come by. Rooms had been neatened (except one), linens changed, clutter taken away … so she could actually do her part of the job.

I can't tell you what a treat it has been to have a life as busy as mine and to come home to a neat, clean place. This was a good psychological choice. I hope I remember to make it again in the future!

I don't know if I'll ever get my office in any semblance of order. That is an ongoing battle.

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One comment to “Ode to A Clean Home”

  1. You are the clean one!!!

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