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A World of Difference

There is a world of difference between the following two sentences:

Do you need a ride to the airport on Saturday morning?


I'd like to drive you to the airport on Saturday morning.

It has been a long time since I've heard the second one. Feels very very nice. 🙂

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5 comments to “A World of Difference”

  1. That makes me smile. Sounds like you have a really wonderful friend. Bon Voyage Venus… and… Mahalo.

  2. @Handbasket: Funny that you should point this out. I've been working with my mother to understand the difference between these phrasings, and how I react to them.-Do you want to take the trash out?-Please take the trash out.-I'd like you to take the trash out.

  3. I think there are lots and lots of gender differences in how people perceive the differences in those two (or in NYCinephile's example three) sentences.

  4. I think there are lots and lots of gender differences in how people perceive the differences in those two (or in NYCinephile's example three) sentences.
    I'm intrigued, Patty. What differences do you see?

  5. Funny – I rarely hear either of those, I get:So, how are you getting to the airport on Saturday morningassuming I get anything at all.

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