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QotD: Can’t Type It Rihgt

What word(s) do you always make a typo in?

Too many to number, really. I'm finding that my typing is getting worse as I get older, which is disturbing.

I hate reviewing something I've posted, or an e-mail I've sent, to find multiples of "teh" and "wtih". I sometimes wonder if my left hand is just quicker at getting typing signals than my right. The following can be found in most of what I write:

– "send" instead of "sent" – actually, any verb that was supposed to have a "t" at the end winds up with a "d", and visa versa. I hope that people don't get bend out of shape about that.
– missing "-ed" and "-s" on verbs
– adding a "t" at the end of "though" to make "thought"
– "darke", "barke" and "larke" … I must be a fan of olde English in a past life … 😉

I can fix most posts but e-mails … well, my sloppiness has gone off into the ether. 

My biggest mechanical flaw as a writer/typist is the missing word problem, which is a kind of typo. My brain thinks a word has been typed, it "sees" the word there through the original creation of the document, it "sees" the word there when proofreading happens. Then, when the submit button is pressed, or the print command is executed, suddenly, the most critical, meaningful word is missing. I have even typed a series of modifiers that have nothing to modify.

Apparently, when one goes back and fixes typos or whatever in Vox, it is treated as a new post and is re-listed as such in the neighbourhood. I just learned this today. This explains why a neighbour will appear several times in a day in the column to the left, but have only actually posted one time. Interesting. So … I guess when I fix 12 typos and/or forgotten words, and I take six tries to do it, I'm continually bumping myself up on my neighbour's lists, too. Hm … either this is terribly annoying, or it is a new form of personal marketing. Or both, since most personal marketing is, de facto, terribly annoying. Please accept my aplogie.

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2 comments to “QotD: Can’t Type It Rihgt”

  1. The word that comes to mind is mych– I mean much. And peopele, poeople, you know, people. I know there are others, but nothing comes to mind at the moment. I type real good. 😉

  2. My personal worst is "jsut," although I have the missing word problem, too.

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