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Just Can’t Get Enough

Tonight, a confluence of events has caused me to create my second vox blog – can you stand it?!?

For ages, I've been trying to figure out how to meld my professional life (teaching, business/technology consultation, music/theatre production, fundraising) with my online life. I've hired a graduate of our program to re-design my "real" web site. Here is what he has so far. Cool stuff happens when you mouse over the words "business" and "creative". This has been going on since, um, April. Sigh – he is a sweet fellow and terribly overbooked. I will stick with him but gawd knows when my damn site will be done!

In the meantime, I have a production coming up at the end of January and I can't wait any longer. So I have started yet another blog specifically to archive and promote the production side of what I do. There are about two years worth of events now that I'd like to have a record of.

At this point, I think I could drastically reduce my web guy's work by just using the new vox site to promote/archive the productions. However, I know he has already done a pile of work on the back end that just hasn't made it to the screen yet.

I just can't get all hard-nosed and pull the project manager whip out on my web guy. He is young, newly married and wtih two little kids – I mean LITTLE – three years old and six months old. He has a full-time job as e-business manager for a multi-national brokerage, a serious commute to deal with, and he runs his web development business in his so-called spare time. Thing is, when he gets down to it and concentrates, he is brilliant with flash development.

I just have to be patient. (Argh!)

My other issue has been trying to keep my Venus persona seperate from my work/real life identity. That is trickier. I don't mind venting my spleen over here as long as no one can connect it directly to most of the rest of the things I get up to in my life. Hence the need for a second blog. I feel ok pointing all of you over there, but will likely not be pointing anyone from there, over here – if that makes any sense.

In any case, there is another "me" here … just in case one wasn't enough!

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