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[Cross-posted from Vox.]

I’m interested in bodies these days. Not exactly in the way that sentence implies, though. Although … (pause) never mind … moving on

So, as I drop a few pounds, slowly, my body is changing. People are noticing, which is nice. Other people look at me more than I look at myself given that I rarely look in the mirror other than to check to see if my hair is standing up on end.

I caught a glimpse of myself putting the ironing board away tonight, as it is stored in a cupboard in my downstairs bathroom and one must stand in front of a mirror to access the cupboard. It was a mirror action shot, I suppose. There are parts of my body that are just not going to get that much smaller for a while, like my arms, possibly my calves. These are pretty muscular and are likely to remain so.

Today, I wore a shirt that I haven’t worn much since I bought it. I really like this shirt but it has never fit quite properly, until today. So the wardrobe re-claiming begins, which is a lovely side benefit of all this.

It needs to be noted that the fact I was putting the ironing board away indicates change also, since one of the things I do both poorly and rarely is iron. I have, however, run out of summer-weight work pants and this situation needed to be addressed pronto.

On my drive home today, I thought about change and how people respond to it differently.  I’ve left the
most stable job I’ve ever had, albeit temporarily and with a wide and welcoming safety net, to pursue a more entrepreneurial life. The change feels refreshing and invigorating. After several years of work stability, I chose change. Similarly, I’ve been the “leaver” in all but one of my relationships, long or short – choosing change repeatedly there. Some time ago, I was having lunch with my sister and my niece (sister’s daughter) and we were listing out the significant relationships we’d had and how they ended. We then went back in the
family tree and concluded that the women in our family don’t put up with much crap, as we all seem able to pull the plug on relationships that aren’t working and just walk away. The pattern is that we do the ending, rather than have endings forced upon us.

In my own history, this has caused me to attract no shortage of criticism from folks who have claimed that I haven’t done enough to resolve differences in relationships, to “make it work”. I consider these opinions ill-informed and offered from the cheap seats. It is easy to look in from the outside and render such a verdict. In particular, I remember leaving my partner of nine years and hearing no end of criticism for this. No one but the two of us knew how much pain had been caused in the last two of those nine years, and few people know how hard we had both worked to figure things out for the last eight months. One does not discuss such things as a matter of course over coffee. The leaver often gets tagged as being cowardly and emotionally lazy, at least I certainly felt that at the time. In truth, I felt like I’d achieved something brave and gargantuan – I made a strong choice to support my own mental and emotional health. It was absolutely the right one, I can say with clarity six years later. This situation taught me never, ever, to judge someone else’s relationship choices and to offer input on such things only when asked directly for advice or guidance.

Did this relationship ending work out entirely as I expected? No. In some ways, it worked out better as I retained the friendship of my ex with the added bonus of not having to negotiate nearly impossible relationship issues with her. Other than the actual decision to leave, did I feel “in control” of this process? Absolutely not – it remains one of the most chaotic and frightening periods of time in my life. Do
I know how this entrepreneurial gig is going to work out? No idea … I feel very excited and optimistic. Each day, I see progress and new horizons, new possibilities. Will we be fast enough and smart enough to
capture enough of what we need, quickly, to survive and thrive? I have absolutely no idea. All I can do is my best, and support others as they do their best.

Do I feel “in control” of this diet shift? To some degree, yes … but bodies are what they are. The end results are, frankly, unpredictable. All I can do is give it my best shot.

The only things one can be sure about are death and taxes, or so it is said. And change as a feature of life. No matter how hard one struggles to control the nature and direction of change, I think it is seldom
that we are ever fully in control of how things unfold. The opposite of change is stagnation which, to me, would be like death if one succumbed to it. The silver lining of change is possibility and growth. I must
remember this the next time that life proves to me that I’m not entirely in charge.

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It has been a while. Life over takes the contemplation of life sometimes. I think that is a good thing.

Here are a few updates since I was last active here …

a) New job: I'm taking a leave of absence from my teaching gig to help out one of my clients with bringing their company more fully to market. Lots to do … very interesting work … nice people with integrity, spirit, drive and smarts. A good move for me. In a few weeks, I'll be full-time there and I couldn't be more pleased.

b) New diet: I started a commercial diet plan that I don't want to plug here, but herbs are involved and the initials of the plan are HM, and it is pricey! I have to keep a food diary and watch portions. I'm allowed three protein portions a day, three fruits, four veggies, two starches (!), one dairy (!), two fats and a "freebie". I started on June 29, unofficially, and have dropped just under 14 lbs to date. It is easy to follow and I can even cheat a bit. Popcorn is allowed – thank GOODNESS. 🙂 The starches are the toughest problem so far, but I'm managing ok. I've stopped eating toast in the a.m. since that uses up almost all my starch allotment for the day. They want me to go big on proteins, fruits and veggies first thing in the a.m. This works out really well, actually, as I love eggs anyway. I'm developing a taste for turkey bacon and a tolerance for Splenda. I was concerned about the Splenda chlorine problem but was assured that if I'm only using a couple of packets a day, it won't hurt me.

I really want to do this and I've been thinking about it seriously for about six months. I love playing hockey but I hate feeling winded after each shift. I don't like feeling like I can't do stairs. So my immediate concern is fitness and general energy levels. However, to be honest, I haven't like how I've looked in photographs over the past, oh, 10 years as the weight has slowly crept up. Those photos just don't look like me – at all. Finally, my brother being diagnosed as diabetic was a real motivator. He is 12 years older than me and, if I'm honest, there is not much standing between me and diabetes if I'm carrying 90 lbs that I shouldn't be (well … 76 now …). If it is going to happen, it needs to be now.

I bought two of the available cookbooks from HM and have made several recipes in them, esp. the soups and stews. It helps that I can either eat at home regularly, or pack a lunch for the office. Eating out – which I still do too much of – is a challenge. I feel surrounded by starches (breads, rices, potatos) everywhere!

In a few weeks, once I've got this diet routine down more firmly, I'll add a couple of trips to the gym per week to see if I can keep things moving in the right direction. Although 3.5 lbs per week is exactly the right pace for me, I expect I'll plateau at some point.

Reporting about all this is a motivator for me … so stay tuned!

c) New toy: Yes, yes – I've joined the Blackberry revolution and am a total convert. Everyone said that I'd become even more tied to e-mail than I already was but I find the opposite is true. It is liberating to not feel like I have to hit a computer at regular intervals and see what is going on in the world. It just arrives, presto, to my cute little machine. It has a trackball, a full keyboard and Texas Hold'em poker. I'm a happy gal!

d) Congrats to B & A on the safe, if lengthy, arrival of Arden Michael – may he bring you much joy!

e) Guitar: I took my guitar up to a cottage a few weeks ago – not an unusual thing. Also not unusual is that I broke out the classical guitar pieces from 18 years ago, as I do once or twice a year, and gave them a go. I remembered how much I enjoy playing in a classical style. I may consider keeping this up beyond an occasional "go" at it.

OK – I hope I can get back into a contemplative navel-gazing style shortly … i.e. regular programming … and my apologies for not keeping up with everyone.

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Condi – A Love Song … 2 comments

Boo! I'm still around!

My favourite line from the parody below …

You're not a lesbian, but you're half way there
Surrounded by boobs … worshiping Bush …


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