Where are we going again?
The Handbasket » Posts for tag 'high school'

Small World 1 comment

It looked like a nice night for a fire in the firepit last night. My last night of solitude here at the cottage. So, after dinner, I cleaned the BBQ and started to assemble a few things at the firepit. Paper I’d been saving up as firestarter, kindling, a few containers of water, guitar, book, citronella candle, glass of wine … I noticed the two women with dogs that I’d noticed earlier in the week, walking by towards the municipal docks. I don’t know why gaydar works at a few dozen paces, but it seems to. I decided to keep an eye for them walking back and invite them over for a glass of wine by the firepit.

It didn’t take long for them to wander back up the road. I waved them over and suggested they stop by for a bit. The dogs were keen, one large, grey-muzzled black lab (Alice) and a smaller, puppy-like mutt (Maggie, six months old). I greeted the dogs first then looked up to find one of the women staring at me intently. She said, “Don’t I know you?” I looked more closely at her. She said, “High school?” Oh, my god – yes!

So, here I am, not in the middle of nowhere, but slightly off centre of nowhere … just standin’ here … and who should arrive on my doorstep but two lovely women, one of whom was an acquaintance in high school lo these many years ago, and her partner, equally as friendly and sweet.

We had a really lovely time, catching up over the fire and wine. Several hours of chat. Turns out they live up here full-time, just up the road. They suggested the local house that seems the centre of all community stuff here as a place I might check to see if my “lost/stolen” fishing gear might have been turned in. Also, these two women operate a little shop in back of their place and I’m going to check it out later today. We also might wind up going to the Serena Ryder concert together in Peterborough later on.

Wow – small, interesting world, isn’t it?

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